Champions online the invincible
Champions online the invincible

champions online the invincible

Chest Beam is a great power, and since I decided to not take Plasma Beam, my option to have 2 toggles simultaneously only leaves Micro Munitions, while I'm able to charge Tactical Missiles for 3 concurrent attacks. That makes it less useful against certain alert bosses and PVP. Unfortunately, it does no damage to Invulnerability and Inertial Dampening Field, and is ineffective against Unstoppable and Lightning Reflexes (even healing opponents with LR + BCR (RR)). Plasma Beam does have higher DPS and a higher energy cost, good for PVE if you like it.

champions online the invincible

Primary Utility: + Impact Prism + Rec x1, Con x1 Primary Defense: + Gambler's Lucky Gem + Rec x2 Primary Offense: + Gambler's Lucky Gem + Int x2 Level 21: Energy Shield (R2, Phalanx Defense System) Level 11: Micro Munitions (R2, Alpha Strike, Challenging Strikes) Level 6: Mini Gun (R2, U-238 Rounds, Infrared Guidance System) Level 1: Tactical Missiles (Crippling Challenge) (All stats are rank 7 mods, +17 energy from Overdrive) P.S.: You can post any enquiries and someone helpful may answer. Builds without Vind/Ward/Guard specialisations with high +resist passives eg. Builds without Vind/Ward/Guard but are extremely squishy, eg. Builds with Vind/Ward/Guard specialisations that can exceed 60% resist with it (Note: Still subjective to calculations per build, this is for my own lazy reference) Personal Note: (Post Dodge Nerf Defense Gearing) Tammy Waffles - Survivable Range DPS/Healer Combo G1-1023 - Dual Pistols range DPS/Tank combo. Shamus Boowinkle - Dedicated Tank/Healer and Team Support. Miracle - Survivable TK versatile range/melee DPS. Masquerade - Surivable solo/team support. Note: Armadillo Secondary gear 3 piece set from the questionite store is very good for ATs in boosting their survivability if you can gear around it.

#Champions online the invincible free#

The Devastator This AT is free from Alienware Giveaway: Link (Keys restock from time to time, outside of USA/Canada requires proxy to see number of keys available) This thread is a consolidation of Archetype and some Freeform builds I have written and shared as references.

Champions online the invincible